2008 Maritime Holiday Caravan

2008 Maritime Holiday Region One Caravan

Published: January 26, 2008

c_r-274.gif Rich and Dottie Walbridge are planning an Airstream caravan from New England, August 5 – 17, to the 2008 Region One rally. Travel with them as they make their way around the Gaspé Peninsula along the Saint Lawrence River through quaint little towns and villages. The hilly terrain will give everyone fabulous views of the Canadian shoreline where everyone will enjoy the slow pace of back-road caravanning toward the eventual campsite for the Region One Rally on Prince Edward Island.The downloadable PDFs in the table below contain more information about the caravan.
Caravan Description The Maritime Holiday Caravan flyer with an overview of the caravan.
Basic Itinerary A list of all the stops on the way to the Region One rally.
Caravanner’s Data Sheet The Caravanner’s application to be filled in and sent with a $200 deposit.
Caravanning Basics This is a document describing what you need to successfully enjoy this caravan.

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