“Take Me Out to the Ballgame” July Press Release
Published: July 7, 2009
The cost of camping with us is $143 for two in a trailer which consists of 2 dinners, and 2 breakfasts, fun activities you only get at a region rally like a Vintage Open House, a tour of the National Parks with a presentation by Airstream Life magazine’s, Rich Luhr, games like Card Bingo, Wiffle Ball, the Fantastic Fan contest where we’ll decorate our Airstreams and ourselves in sports team décor, enjoy professional musical entertainment and of course have ice cream……because everything is OK when you have ice cream. So, come in Friday afternoon and take in the Weekender rate, unwind a little bit and then join in the fun. We have good parking…mostly on grass just off the paved interior roads of the CVE adjacent to the Blue Ribbon Pavilion and two additional game or seminar rooms that are totally air conditioned. Even though we don’t have sewerage on each site, we will have an opportunity to dump whenever we want to. We no longer will be limited to just the Sunday morning pump-out and there is a wash-water dump in the camping area where you can dump a “Blue Boy”. No wash-water on the ground please. |
Those of you who have the time and inclination for 5 days of rallying in Vermont….the only thing that has changed is the fact that we’re going to have some very-welcomed visitors for the weekend and our new rally building is totally air conditioned. |
No one is going hungry while at the R1R in Vermont. Leave the grill home, forget the sandwich meat and the tuna fish; the meals are on us. Let the bride sleep in! |
As originally planned, we will have water and 30amp electric. So if it is warm, we’ll run the A/C; if it is chilly, we’ll run the heat. Bring plenty of white drinking water hose and at least a 30′ length of 30amp cord. |
The Vintage Airstreams will be parked together, nearby the air conditioned restrooms and showers. This is such a nice benefit to our Vintage trailers; we look forward to their display. The Blue Ribbon Pavilion also includes the use of two separate meeting rooms where hobbies, seminars, the flea market and meetings can be held without interfering with activities in the main room. The main room is our dining and general meeting facility that is big enough to house 10 Airstreams. |
Dick Wheatley #9455 from the WMNH Unit is part of The Vermont Automobile Enthusiasts, Inc. which has organized the Stowe Antique & Classic Car Meet. The show is taking place August 7-9 and normally attracts about 700-900 show cars. Dick has made available 10-free tickets as well as brochures for our use. Tickets are available on 1st come basis. |
The local Airstream dealer, The Marine Collection will have Airstreams on display for your perusal, etc. |
Our Hobby/Craft Committee Chairperson, Dottie Walbridge has two very interesting crafts that will be limited to 20 persons each. Signup sheets will be at registration. |
Get out your “PF Flyers” or your “Keds” because we’ll be running bases at our “Wiffle Ball baseball game. |
The wifi works in all areas, so stay connected with your friends and family. |
Make sure you don’t forget your sports themed décor for your Airstreams and yourselves. We’ll be awarding prizes for the best decorated RVs and “Fantastic Fans”. |
The Flea Market/Hobby show will be on Thursday night….don’t forget those goodies! Got a door prize gift to donate? How about a raffle gift? Baking some cookies? We can use them for the welcome center. |
Don’t miss the big Region One Rally where all your friends will be in Vermont. You will be glad you came. For additional information, write to Rich Walbridge at RegionOneRally09@Gmail.com or call 781-254-6399. |
Download the sign-up form in PDF format (opens in a new window) |